Thursday, June 28, 2007

Week 5, Thing #11

I explored, the social tagging Web 2 app. I created an account, added some links-- kid lit book vendors, awards, blogs. I figured out how to share this on my blog-- see the kid lit blogs I follow to the right. The whole social nature of Web 2 applications is intriguing, but I'm sure I don't totally get the value of sharing links and seeing what other people think are valuable links. As I added more links I wondered how I could organize them, grouping the blogs together, kit lit awards and annual best of lists together, etc.. Seems like you could only order them chronologically or alphabetically.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Week 5, Thing #10

Comic Strip Generator - Custom comment codes
Image chef

billboard from fd's flickr toys

Week 4, Thing #9

I created a bloglines account and added the blogs I'd been following "manually" for the past year. These include Educating Alice, I'm a Reading Fool, The Miss Rumphius Effect, Big A, little a, Kids Lit, and Voices from the Inglenook. I couldn't find a feed for A Fuse #8 Production, my favorite blog, which recently moved to the School Library Journal online website. I found Bloglines really easy to use, more so than Google reader.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Week 3, Thing #5

After exploring Flickr, I thought about what groups would be of interest to school librarians. Maybe bulletin board displays, lounge furniture and chairs and arrangement, shelving units. I searched for such groups but didn't find anything specific to K-12 school libraries. Maybe we could start one in the fall.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Week 3, Thing #6

I created this with Warholizer from fd's Flickr Toys using a photo of one of our foster kittens Nym.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Week 2, Thing #3

I created a blog a couple of years ago for a teacher who wanted have a book discussion blog for her middle school students. To experiment with Blogger we decided to do this over the summer with parents at the school. We selected a book, had them sign up and introduce themselves. The teacher had difficulty posting and gave up. Because it was the summer I wasn't able to help her use Blogger in person.

Week 2, Thing #3

I set up a book discussion blog for a teacher a couple of years ago with Blogger but it was unsuccessful in the execution. She wanted to experiment with discussing books using blogging, so we chose a book that was our county's one-book reads selection and asked parents at our school to sign-up.