Sunday, August 26, 2007

Blogging student book reviews, new books, new

On my library website I've had a mechanism for students to submit book reviews. They complete an online form ( The info gets sent to me in an email and I then post that to the website. It's somewhat laborious to update the website with new reviews but I've been able to keep up with the volume, posting them within a day of submittal. Posting to a blog is so much easier I decided to convert it for book reviews plus my info new books, etc. It'll be my introduction of blogging to my school. A couple of the teachers have taken a tech class where they learned about it. Until we figure out as a staff how we teach students commenting I currently have it off.

Here's the blog:

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Video booktalk of a book

I created a video booktalk using imovie, copyright free photos and voice over narration. The toughest part was figuring out how to sink up the narration with the photos. The movie is hosted at TeacherTube.

The Seven Wonders of Sassafras Springs
by Betty Birney